History of Design: Decorative Arts and Material Culture, 1400-2000 by Susan Weber
Written by the founder of the Bard Center Decorative Arts program, this textbook will become your go-to reference guide for inspiration and technique and the maker/craft culture.
Classic Decor from A to Z by Jennifer Boles
Peak of Chic blogger Jennifer Boles puts together an encyclopedic tour of design history proving everything old can be new again. Chocked full of stories and ideas; yet written clearly and concisely, definitely put this on your shelf.
The French Way with Design by Betty Lou Phillips
I own all of Phillip’s books and this one does not disappoint. Learn from the master. Betty Lou Phillips has penned 13 books on the subject so enjoy the sumptuous interiors and tap into Phillips knowledge of French Style.
Haute Couture Ateliers The Artisans of Fashion by Hilhne Farnault
This is one of my favorite books! I love paging through this for ideas for details for my soft furnishing designs. God is in the Details~
Oscar de la Renta- The master of style is as celebrated for his interiors as well as his fashions. This book documents his life and designs and defines why his we love what he does.
The School of Fashion- written by Parson’s Dean of Fashion, this shares illlustrations, interviews and inspiration from some of its famous graduates.
Elsa Schiaparelli’s Private Album by Marisa Berenson
A wonderful account of how one of Fashion’s most remarkable women became her era’s most avant-garde tastemaker by her granddaughter, Marisa Berenson.
Valentino: At the Emperor’s Table by Andre Talley
Decoration is Valentino’s second love and his passion for entertaining is obvious and it shows in this book written by Andre Talley as he captures the splendid tablescapes and entertaining principles as well as the recipe pairings.