Microsoft’s Home of the Future


I am being swept into the techno world. I am not a full fledged geek yet, but do love me some gadgets and when coupled with design, I’m in. So I was sucker for Microsoft’s  home of the future:

 According to MS, the Microsoft Home is

…a place to explore technology scenarios that could transform the way we live in five to 10 years. Built as a full-scale model home in the company’s Executive Briefing Center, the Home is used to explore practical applications of cutting-edge technical trends, and exhibit futuristic prototype technologies to a variety of industry and government leaders, partners and customers.

While the space is a private testing ground accessible by invitation only, the video below provides a glimpse of what a day in the suburban future could look like in 2025. Among other advances, check out:

  • touchscreen, wireless & ‘smart’ charging plates that also read sensors in your products to interpret your personal data, including vital health statistics
  • interactive walls consisting of various screens – which are in turn controlled by a simple flip of a light switch
  • visual analysis via image-to-image search for each image featured in your home entertainment screen (i.e., ability to search for travel schedules, restaurant information, and backback purchase information for all items featured in a travel show); this is cool – right now, we really just do text-based search
  • motion-controlled digital wallpaper capturing your personal digital ecosystem, including real-time texts, Facebook status updates or Twitter feed updates


OK, so we really have to get on the stick when it comes to innovative window coverings to match up to these other elements in the room!. Any ideas?

via Engadget

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