100 Trade Secrets


100 tips in 100 days? Yep, we’ll share a trade secret each day for the next hundred days. Some from pros you’ll recognize and some from designers who are may be under your radar, but are doing fabulous work and making money! We’ll cover a broad range of topics- business, marketing, design, innovation, trends-all that are crucial to your success in 2009.  Here we go…

“Over decoration and being too “ matchy-matchy” can cause a room to look like a showroom. Remember that rooms are meant to be used and should be relaxing. Using antique textiles in a room takes the edge off the newness of everything and gives the room a softer more evolved look. Virginia Di Sciascio, Laura Fisher and E Bay are good sources if you know what you are looking for.”  Bunny Williams

A fabulous mix of furnishings that make a truly personal statement

A fabulous mix of furnishings that make a truly personal statement


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