First Look: Paris Deco Off


Here is a sampling of what caught my eye and I am loving from Paris Deco Off 2014.

Osborne and Little is betting that trims are going to make a comeback; putting their money on their new Cornish Trim collection shown in this stunning display window reminiscent of Little Mermaid.( It won Best Window!) I am a “more is better” person so my fingers are crossed that passementerie is chic again.

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Embroideries were EVERYWHERE . The next one was more beautiful than the first. Companies are exploring new grounds, mixing machine- made with hand done and bringing back techniques that was almost gone.


From Pierre Frey’s Aloha Collection

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Traditional florals on silk by Elitis

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Applique and embroidery from Pierre Frey


More embroidery from Pierre Frey- this time with pearls.

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Intricate wool leading edge applique with metallic highlights on Fortuny.


Wool and velvet take it up a notch. Wool in all weights was presented and Velvet became more baroque – certainly in the complex finishes and weaves.

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Holland and Sherry introduced a custom quilted wool collection. You pick the wool, yarn color and quilt style to customize your looks.

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Cassaro fabrics from Houston is always a favorite. Here is a jacquard cut velvet that has been overprinted with a rose pattern. Stunning!


Romo Black Edition was searching for a permanent embossing techniques so they used long nap velvet, embossed I;t then cut the nap to create this permanent moire inspired pattern- and it’s soft as buttah!

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