Who Knew: Vintage Art Posters on Windows


I am officially obessessed ( and have been for years) with vintage art posters and Maitre de l’ Affiche.   


Drawn to poster art by their vibrant dramatic scale and colors, I  also love them for the peek inside the world of Paris at the turn of the century. I own several  Cappiellos and have introduced art posters  to clients, used them as inspiration and decorated around them, but I hadn’t thought about them on a window until now. ( Don’t ask me why! )  Creatively Different Blinds suggests just that – why NOT chose vintage poster art imagery and print them on blinds, shades or fabric to give your clients an authentic edge using the bold designs of these famous prints. BTW, Texton and is another company working in the digital printing arena; working with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation . Adaptive Textiles and Spoonflower will print fabrics for you.

In the 1890s the buildings of every big city were covered by large colorful advertising posters. The poster movement played a major part in codifying, glorifying and perpetuating the ebullient period of La Belle Epoque.  Jules Cheret, the father of poster art, whose unique combination of artistic, technical and entrepreneurial talents paved the way for a true industry. The poster had not only caught the fancy of the public, but its best examples were already being regarded as works of art to be exhibited, reviewed in journals, collected and reprinted in a manageable form. During the poster heyday, Cheret also published “Les Maitres de l’Affiche” (Masters of the Poster) reduced lithographic versions, in authentic colors, of the best posters of Europe and America. There were 256 color lithographs in the collection, reproduced from the original works of ninety-seven artists in a smaller 11 x 15 inch format. The varied selection of prints were sold in a package of four and delivered monthly to subscribers. The collection was issued as separate numbered sheets and in the margin at the right was a blind embossed stamp of authenticity. Working in a dressing room or bedroom? Look at some of the great fashion illustrations and magazine covers for roller shades.

Game rooms, library, home theater, sophisticated man cave? Imagine liquor or wine ads, auto racing or sports and entertainment  themes as motorized window coverings on those windows.

 Focused on beautiful imagery and delicious typography, it’s a genre that works in so many different interior settings to inspire fabrics, textiles and accessories and mood through color and form. Plus, digitally printed on blinds or shades is a inexpensive way to start collecting.

If  you’re looking for patterns rather than figures, ads or depictions of events, introduce some art deco influences based around dress fabric prints from  F. Ducharne  or Arthur Sanderson and Sons.

So now I am thinking about where I can use the poster that has been haunting me lately…..

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