If You Could Design Your Dream Window…


If you could design your dream window what would it be? That’s the question Marvin Windows recently asked of some the world’s leading designers, architects and fine artists as part of their Artist Project.  It is also the perfect place to kick off 30Days of Window Fashion Fabulosity- more on that later. To begin, here are three of my Dream Window favorites:


p allen smith-marvin

P. Allen Smith, garden design and TV host, was inspired by his workplace- Nature. That window doesn’t need anything more.

marklaita marvin

The window is a lot like a camera lens. You see amazing views.  Mark Laita, famous photographer was inspired by that and the idea of connecting them together into one frame.  The result was Laita’s intertwining window. Not only is it gorgeous, but a manufacturing marvel. Unable to use one piece of glass and getting cracks because of the inverse corners. Marvin used actual divider lights and simulated divider lights to “overlap” the panes.

sarahsusanka marvin

This is genius, Sarah Susanka, architect and small space innovator, designed the venting picture window. Her love for archetypal forms- squares, circles, triangles- inspired the  circle within a square picture window that also cranks open.

If You Could Design Your Dream Window, What Would it Be?

I love the question and I love the window inspiration it spurred. It got me thinking about what kind of dream window treatment I would put on these dream windows. I’ve been keeping a “Field of Dreams” journal of sketches, pictures, clippings and inspiration of window treatments since I started. (I totally embrace the “Build it and They Will Come” or the  “Dream it and They Will Buy ” philosophy.)  So,  I’ve dug out the journal and for the next month I am going to post a dream window treatment. I’ll share some tips, styling secrets I’ve learned along the way and  how-tos to make it happen, all wrapped up in #30 DAYS OF WINDOW FASHION FABULOSITY.

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