Maison & Objet Trend Preview: Sharing


Each session of Maison and Objet trend table  identifies and analyzes trend with a focus on the future and is embodied in the design of three trend areas created by trends consultancy firms Croisements,Elizabeth Leriche and the NellyRodi agency. The September session will unveil: sharing.

Our era is clicking on the « Share » icon. Generation G for Generosity is bashing cynicism and liking “We”. New uses and values are reconfiguring ways of living together, designing,  exchanging information, goods, services and experiences. In the digital age, networking information is producing new tools with emerging practices in an economy of collaboration and cooperation. We are seeing a dynamic of creative sharing, which is programming the future of a caring world through design.


Smart Life: Sharing Information

Digital cultures are switching codes and the everyday scenarios of being together. Everything is becoming information and subject to exchange and sharing. Video games, digital art, music and food are creating fun, interactive worlds that are modelling new creative expressions. Objects that connect us are helping make life more friendly, warm and colorful.


Words: Sharing Words and Meaning

Letters and words are resisting the supremacy of digital communication. New sign languages are calligraphising contemporary everyday life. Writing is becoming a pictorial object that is filling spaces, surfaces and materials. Graphic and typographic effects are writing a feast of words that communicate with poetry and meaning, and revives our social bonds.


Experiential: Sharing Experiences

Digital words now allow us to design new systems for sharing sense experiences. Interconnectedness is creating innovative relationships between man and object, man and space. Animated objects have led to better living. Wonderful design is giving shape to a kind, poetic way of thinking about everyday life, in which technologies seek to materialize the invisible.

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